Kota Matahari
- Skysong - Faji {182 154}
- Modo - Chansel {208 139}
- Jadeon - Bao the Wise {183 141}
- Vim - Negar {91 139}
- Lupin - Baner Po {183 42}
- Arden - Joakue (Dragon Palace) {296 -316}
- Balo - Lilxu (Scarlet City) {355 42}
- Celan - Yu Er (Dragon Palace) {347 -323}
- Rayan - Huai Tong (Dragon Palace) {329 -323}
Donate to your Clan or Alliance:
Kota Matahari
- Contrib. - Clan Master {196 171}
- Renown - Alliance Master {209 170}
Donate for Piety:
Wil. Berlumpur
- Patriot Monolith - Patriot Monolith {149 368}
Why donate?
♥ Honor 1. Honor Gems Get enough honor to be in the Hall of Excellence to gain weekly (free) Honor Gems. The higher your ranking, the more honor gems you get. If you are in at least the top 500 in honor rankings, you can also exchange your honor points for Honor Gems at the Elder of Mystery in Sunstream. 240k honor = 20 Honor Gems. 2. Hero Scrolls In each map you will find a Herald of your faction and you can acquire Hero Scroll quests from them, provided you have enough honor. There are 3 types: Red, Silver and Gold and each type rewards you with increasing amounts of exp. 3. Flameagle Order This is a quest you can obtain from your Faction Representative to kill 10 Shura Celestial Vanguards for the reward of Taichi Pills (exp). This quest can only be obtained if you have at least 5 million honor points. 10 million and 20 million honor points open up higher levels of the Flameagle Order, which in turn reward you with more exp. (You also get your name broadcast in World Chat when you complete the quest!) 4. Free Ethereal Gear If you have enough honor, you can get free Ethereal weapons from your Faction Representative. The more honor you have, the higher level gear you can acquire. 5. Ascension If you have at least 5 million honor points for your faction, you are not required to do the ascension quest. You can get a Nirvana Insignia from your faction representative, but be warned: it only lasts 24h so only take it when you want to ascend! 6. Titles Being in the rankings of the Hall of Excellence for honor earns you special titles, depending on where you rank. You need to be ranked there for about 10 days before the update which will give you your title. ♥ Clan Donate to your clan to level up your skill Shared Fortune. The higher the skill level, the more exp you can share with your online clan mates. Go to the Clan Master in Sunstream to get the quest Shared Fortune. Each level of Shared Fortune requires different provisions. The more provisions you donate, the more Contrib. you have. (Contrib. doesn't give you anything apart from the respect of your clan chief. xD) ♥ Alliances 1. Renown Renown has several advantages. The more renown you have, the more Arcane Bullions and Arcane Coins you receive from doing the Alliance Duty quest (obtained from Alliance Master). If you leave your alliance, you will lose all of your renown. 2. Construction Everything you donate goes towards the Construction points of your alliance. Higher amounts of construction mean a higher alliance level and a higher alliance level means more clan slots. At alliance level 4, you are able to participate in the Fort Siege. 3. Ascension If you have 200k+ renown, you don't have to kill Skyscream to ascend. ♥ Piety 1. Honor Gems Much the same as when donating to faction representatives, getting into the top rankings for piety can earn you free weekly honor gems. 2. Free Gears With enough Piety points, you can get free Ethereal gears (head, body and boots) from Nura in Sunstream City. 3. Titles Being in the rankings of the Hall of Excellence for Piety earns you special titles, depending on where you rank. You need to be ranked there for about 10 days before the update which will give you your title.