Saturday, April 20, 2013

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Breeding Time


Alpine: Earth + Ice (1 Hour)

Armadillo: Jade + Star (2 Hours)

Aztec: Receive from Challenge


Battery: Electric + Jade (4 Hours)

Blizzard: Water + Fire (1 Minute)

Butterfly: Receive from Challenge


Cactus: Earth + Plant (2 Hours)

Carnivore Plant: Plant + Dark (4 Hours)

Chameleon: Earth + Electric (4 Hours)

Cloud: Fire + Water (1 Minute)

Cool Fire: Pearl + Flaming Rock (4 Hours)

Coral: Plant + Water (2 Hours)

Crystal: Cool Fire + Cool Fire (4 Hours)


Dandelion: Plant + Ice (2 Hours)

Dark: Buy for 500,000 Gold

Dark Fire: Dark + Fire (4 Hours)

Dragonfly: Plant + Metal (2 Hours)


Earth: Buy for 50 Gold

Electric: Buy for 30,000 Gold


Fire: Buy for 100 Gold

Firebird: Fire + Plant (2 Hours)

Flaming Rock: Earth + Fire (30 Seconds)

Fluorescent: Electric + Ice (4 Hours)

Fossil: Receive from Dragon Potion Challenge


Gold: Metal + Electric (4 Hours)

Gummy: Nenufar + Neon (2 Hours)


Hedgehog: Earth + Dark (4 Hours)

Hot Metal: Electric + Fire (4 Hours)


Ice: Buy for 75,000 Gold

Ice Cream: Water + Ice (1 Hour)

Icecube: Water + Ice (1 Hour)


Jade: Plant + Metal (2 Hours)


Lantern Fish: Water + Electric (4 Hours)

Laser: Fire + Electric (4 Hours)

Legendary: Cool Fire + Cool Fire (4 Hours)


Medieval: Fire + Metal (2 Hours)

Mercury: Water + Metal (2 Hours)

Metal: Buy for 250,000 Gold

Mirror: Cool Fire + Cool Fire (4 Hours)

Mojito: Plant + Ice (2 Hours)

Moose: Electric + Ice (4 Hours)

Mud: Earth + Water (1 Minute)


Nenufar: Water + Plant (2 Hours)

Neon: Electric + Dark (4 Hours)


Paladin: Reach level 10 in Social Empires

Pearl: Ice + Metal (2 Hours)

Penguin: Ice + Dark (4 Hours)

Petroleum: Nenufar + Neon (2 Hours)

Pirate: Nenufar + Neon (2 Hours)

Plant: Buy for 15,000 Gold

Platinum: Metal + Ice (2 Hours)

Poo: Legend + Pirate/Petroleum (48 Hours)

Pure: Any Legend + Any Legend (48 Hours)

Pure Dark: Pure + Dark (48 Hours)

Pure Earth: Pure + Earth (48 Hours)

Pure Electric: Pure + Electric (48 Hours)

Pure Fire: Pure + Fire (48 Hours)

Pure Ice: Pure + Ice (48 Hours)

Pure Metal: Pure + Metal (48 Hours)

Pure Plant: Pure + Plant (48 Hours)

Pure Water: Pure + Water (48 Hours)


Rattlesnake: Dark + Plant (4 Hours)

Robot: Reach level 10 in Social Empires


Seahorse: Receive from Challenge

Seashell: Water + Metal (2 Hours)

Sky: Receive from Challenge

Snowflake: Earth + Ice (1 Hour)

Soccer: Pearl + Flaming Rock (4 Hours)

Spicy: Fire + Plant (2 Hours)

Star: Earth + Electric (4 Hours)

Steampunk: Fire + Metal (2 Hours)

Storm: Water + Electric (4 Hours)


Tropical: Earth + Plant (2 Hours)


Vampire: Fire + Dark (4 Hours)

Venom: Earth + Dark (4 Hours)

Vulcano: Fire + Earth (30 Seconds)


Water: Buy for 500 Gold

Waterfall: Earth + Water (1 Minute)

Wind: Cool Fire + Cool Fire (4 Hours)


Zombie: Metal + Dark (4 Hours)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Breeding - Generation 4/5 - Pure


Breed any Legend with any Legend (crystal,mirror,legendary,wind) it mayresult in a Pure Dragon. It does not always work though.

"Can you imagine such a creature so pure that it almost makes you blind with the light of its pureness? The Pure Dragon escapes our earthly words so you better experience it in person!"


*You can get these dragons by breeding the PURE DRAGON with the Basic Element Dragons.

Pure Terra Dragon

Pure + Basic Terra

"Tougher, stonier and edgier, the Pure Earth Dragon is an impressive sight. It enjoys mountain climbing, rock crushing, and pretty much all temperatures!"

Pure Flame Dragon

Pure + Basic Flame

"This more mature dragon of the Fire element is royalty of dragons! As full of fire and character as the basic Fire dragon, but with twice the maturity and wisdom."

Pure Electric Dragon

Pure + Basic Electric

"Electricity is strongly present in this dragon. If you touch it, you won't get electrocuted but cleaned and highly charged! With the pure electric you'll have a lot of energy for years to come."
Pure Metal Dragon

Pure + Basic Metal

"This highly evolved pure metal dragon consists of a mix of metals still unknown to man. Its incredibly durable and can take any heat without melting."

Pure Sea Dragon

Pure + Basic Sea

"Even more watery than you could have ever imagined, this Pure Water Dragon is also pure fun. Like a dolphin, always ready to play but very intelligent by nature."

Pure Nature Dragon

Pure + Basic Nature

"Like a flower that just bloomed, this dragon is pure plant pleasure to watch. Everyone is always absolutely sharmed by its beautiful energy and mesmerizing scent."

Pure Ice Dragon

Pure + Basic Ice

"Ice, ice baby! If your not afraid of the cold then step into the kingdom of pure ice where the temperature is so cold that the ice turns into crystals. Its cold, shiny, and beautiful here!"

Pure Dark Dragon

Pure + Basic Dark

"The darkness has now doubled! Two evil brains to plot some dark plans and four observing eyes to see even better in the twilgiht zone"

Breeding - Generation 3 / Legend

Breed any two of the rare hybrids
(generation 2 dragons):
Gummy, Cool Fire, Soccer, Armadillo,
Petroleum, Pirate, Poo
to get these, legendary dragons.
You can also breed same rare hybrids.

These dragons are rare. You won't get one every time you breed two rare hybrids, but it's worth a try.

Legendary Dragon

"This Dragon is so legendary that no words can do it justice, Be aware though: your life will never be the same again after encountering this creature made of legends."

Crystal Dragon

"If you like shiny, valuable things, you will like the Crystal Dragon. It is very rare and only shows itself when the planets are appropriately aligned. You'll be lucky to see it!"

Mirror Dragon

"Do you like admiring yourself from the mirror? Then the Mirror Dragon will be your favorite buddy! Some people say that sometimes you can see a glimpse of the future from this dragon..."

Wind Dragon

"Famous for its flying skills, this Dragon can float for hours and hours without even moving a wing. It's a master of the currents and some witnesses say that it changes color according to weather!"

Breeding - Generation 2

*There are various combinations to get each rare hybrid - the most popular methods to get them have been listed.

Gummy Dragon nature/electric

"Bouncy and Happy, You will have a new best friend in this dragon! The Gummy Dragon loves Butterflies, sugar and summer clouds."


Laser + Dandelion
Chameleon + Firebird
Neon + Nenufar
Neon + Plant
Nenufar + Laser
Nenufar + Lantern Fish
Hot Metal + Spicy
Hot Metal + Dandelion
Star + Plant

Cool Fire Dragon flame/ice

"If you thought northern lights are incredible, wait till you see this Dragon fly around in your islands! It's both as cool as ice and hot as fire and it will never get tired of huffing and puffing."


Dandelion + Laser
Medieval + Alpine
Moose + Hot Metal
Hot Metal + Snowflake
Vulcano + Alpine
Blizzard + Ice Cube
Firebird + Dandelion
Laser + Fluorescent

Soccer Dragon ice/flame

"The ancestors of this dragon happened to make a home at a football stadium and that's how it all started. The dragons started to watch the games and finally learned how to play themselves."


Alpine + Medieval
Dandelion + Laser
Dark Fire + Icecube
Snowflake + Hot Metal
Vulcano + Alpine
Blizzard + Ice Cube
Firebird + Dandelion
Laser + Fluorescent
Armadillo Dragon terra/metal

"Armadillo Dragon is a slightly angry dragon, so be careful when around it. It has heavy protective gear all over it. who knows what lies under all that armor and anger ... Go and find out!"


Medieval + Snowflake
Medieval + Alpine
Flaming Rock + Medieval
Jade + Star
Waterfall + Mercury
Cactus + Jade

Petroleum Dragon sea/dark

"A dragon of the darkest posture. It can look extremely dirty but is actually a very clean character. Petroleum Dragons like sunshine and sandy beaches and despide cold."


Venom + Mud
Nenufar + Neon
Mud + Hedgehog
Cloud + Dark Fire
Coral + Rattle Snake

Pirate Dragon dark/sea

"A-Hoy dragon lovers! This very special dragon well be a crown jewell in your dragon collection. Get ready for some reckless sea adventures and hop on board."


Venom + Mud
Nenufar + Neon
Mud + Hedgehog
Cloud + Dark Fire
Coral + Rattle Snake

Poo Dragon terra/sea/dark

"Sometimes considered slightly disgusting, but in some parts of the world the Poo Dragon is known to bring good luck and fortunes for its owner. Are you brave enough to take it on your island?"


Earth + Petroleum or Pirate
Water + Hedgehog or Venom
Dark + Mud or Waterfall
Petroleum + Armadillo
Any legend dragon + Pirate or Petroleum

Breeding - Generation 1


~Terra Dragon~ (Basic Earth Dragon)

Available at level 1. It costs 100 gold and earns 50XP upon hatching. It takes 15 seconds to hatch.

"Don't be alarmed, it's not an earthquake but a dignified Earth Dragon! Earth dragons are not known for their beauty, but for their love of dirt and their extremely humble and honest nature."
~Sea Dragon~ (Basic Water Dragon)

Available at Level 4. It costs 500 gold and earns 50XP upon hatching. It takes 5 minutes to hatch.

"If you're into water sports, then the Water Dragon will be your new best friend. Often Water Dragons have been mistaken for seals and dolphins"
~Basic Electric Dragon~

It costs 30,000 gold and earns 5000XP upon hatching. It takes 4 hours to hatch.

"The tale tells us this dragon was born in a great storm that took place in the dark ages when an ordinary dragon got hit by lightning. Since that day, you can see them on the skies, looking for a shock."
~Basic Metal Dragon~

Available at Level 16. It costs 250,000 gold and earns 10,000XPupon hatching. It takes 2 hours to hatch.

"A robust dragon, drawn towards all kinds of metal. The word on the island is that what the Metallic Dragon lacks in intellect, it more than makes up in determination."

~Flame Dragon~ (Basic Fire Dragon)

The Fire Dragon is available at level 2. It costs 100 gold and earns 50XP upon hatching. It takes 30 seconds to hatch.

"If you can't take the heat, stay away from the Fire Dragon! This temperamental creature is easily set off, but calms down equally fast and always feels deep remorse for the things it burned."
~Nature Dragon~ (Basic Plant Dragon)

Available at Level 6. It costs 15000and earns 1000 upon hatching. It takes 2 hours to hatch.

"The Plant Dragon loves humans, animals and all living things, some of them for gastronomic purposes. Even though never known to eat whole human being, a finger or two have been lost..."
~Basic Ice Dragon~

Available at Level 13. It costs 75,000 and earns 5000 upon hatching. It takes 1 hour to hatch.

"With the recent climate changes, the super cool Ice Dragons have migrated to the North Pole. If you see one in a warm place, please direct it to the nearest ice rink and you´ll have a friend forever."
~Basic Dark Dragon~

Available at Level 20. It costs 500,000 gold and earns 100,000XP upon hatching. It takes 4 hours to hatch.

"The Dark Dragon is highly elusive. Only a handful of eye witnesses have manages to spot this creature of the night, because of its color and nocturnal rhythm. It is virtually impossible to see it!"


~Flaming Rock Dragon~

Breed Terra + Flame

"What happens when you set earth eternally on fire? This Dragon is one of the most energetic ones around. Flaming Rock especially loves Rock music and Dragon Chili snacks."
~Mud Dragon~

Breed Terra + Sea

"Sometimes mistakenly described as chubby or lazy, but we happen to know that Mud Dragons are on a strict organic mud diet, and they only enjoy an occasional fly when it happens to land directly in their mouth.""
~Cloud Dragon~

Breed Flame + Sea

"Many people don't even know that they have seen this Dragon because it perfectly blends into the sky. If you fell like the rain is sometimes following you, here you have the explanation!"
~Tropical Dragon~

Breed Terra + Nature

"Tropical Dragon likes to dance all night, do acrobatics and enjoy life in general. It's happy-go-lucky attitude is very catchy, so in its company it is impossible not to smile!"
~Spicy Dragon~

Breed Nature + Flame

"Spice up your island kingdom with this temperamental fellow. The Spicy dragon is known for its excessive use of swearwords and a passion for Mexican food."

~Nenufar Dragon~

Breed Nature + Sea

"Fantastically beautiful, this dragon always draws crowds wherever it goes. Have you seen those floating flowers move in a pond? Maybe it wasn't a flower after all..."
~Star Dragon~

Breed Electric + Terra

"Who doesn't like looking at stars on a clear night? This Dragon is made of stars and during the nights you can see it shine. Star Dragon is one of the most calm and happy dragons, a friend to all."
~Lantern Fish Dragon~

Breed Sea + Electric

"This mythical Dragon form the deepest oceans is an absolutely hilarious companion. The Lantern Fish Dragon can light up the darkest, stormiest night with its hilarious anecdotes of the life under water."
~Laser Dragon~

Breed Electric + Flame

"This futuristic dragon is a delightful addition to your islands. It's highly energetic and likes to fry small insects with its laser beams. This way you can also have bug control in your islands!"
~Alpine Dragon~

Breed Terra + Ice

"Alpine Dragon, the robust cousin of Ice Dragon is impossible not to love. This adorable creature is irresistibly playful and friendly. Watch out for avalanches though."
~Icecube Dragon~

Breed Sea + Ice

"Is it getting hot in your island? The ice cube dragon is just the creature to cool things down. Calm, cool as ice and quite slow, this sympathetic fellow is no threat at all."
~Dandelion Dragon~

Breed Nature + Ice

"The feather light friend is a must for every dragon enthusiast. Its puffy appearance will draw crowds from far far away to see its famous disappearing act."
~Fluorescent Dragon~

Breed Electric + Ice

"This one glows in the dark, so it's highly convenient in the dark winter months. You will also save in electricity by getting this glowy Dragon!"
~Medieval Dragon~

Breed Flame + Metal

"The Medieval Dragon hails from times of King Arthur, who gave the dragon the precious task to protect his sword. Ever since he has been looking for a new master. Could it be you?"
~Mercury Dragon~

Breed Metal + Sea

"This dragon is highly unpredictable, poisonous and has an exceptionally low melting point. But when the sunshine from the right angle, this liquid creature looks absolutely magnificent!"
~Jade Dragon~

Breed Metal + Nature

"The Jade Dragon is the wisest of them all. Ask any question or present any problem and you will receive an answer from this ancient being. Now you'll just have to learn Chinese to understand him."
~Battery Dragon~

Breed Electric + Metal

"Running out of batteries all the time? This dragon will be your new best friend and you will always be charged with energy when around it!"
~Pearl Dragon~

Breed Ice + Metal

"Pearl Dragon is known to be a bit vain and often wastes considerable amounts of time in shining its pearls. But when needed, it can be extremely brave and selfless and helps the ones in need."
~Hedgehog Dragon~

Breed Terra + Dark

"This dragon is extremely fond of people, but because of his spiky exterior he has been avoided. So wear some armor and give him a hug."
~Vampire Dragon~

Breed Dark + Flame

"When you have managed to catch the Vampire Dragon, you can truly congratulate yourself. Beware though that you can never quite tame it. Be very nice or it will fly!"
~Carnivore Plant Dragon~

Breed Nature + Dark

"This cheerful meat eater is almost blind but has extraordinary keen sense of smell. It can smell anything from miles away, so don't ever think that you can surprise this Dragon however hard you try."
~Neon Dragon~

Breed Electric + Dark

"If you think neon colors were a thing of the 80's, you are wrong! The neon colors are back. This Dragon is pure sunshine on wings!"
~Zombie Dragon~

Breed Dark + Metal

"This undead dragon has a huge appetite! It keeps eating, but somehow nothing seems to hold in. Despite its constant hunger, forgetful nature and bad vision it has proven to be loyal."
~Vulcano Dragon~

Breed Flame + Terra

"This is the more explosive cousin of the Alpine Dragon. Always happy and cheerful, watch out though its hot!"
~Waterfall Dragon~

Breed Sea + Terra

"This dragon is an absolute wonder! Where does the water come from and where is it going? Who knows! It's still mesmerizing to watch."
~Blizzard Dragon~

Breed Sea + Flame

"Weirdly enough this dragon made of snow and ice seems to like hot and wet environments! To see this rare dragon flap around in a pile of lava is definitely worth the effort!"
~Cactus Dragon~

Breed Nature + Terra

"Cactus Dragon loves to cuddle, what a shame that it is covered with spikes. If you're charmed by it despite the stings, put your gloves on and give it a hug!"
~Firebird Dragon~

Breed Flame + Nature

"Like the Phoenix- the symbol of rebirth - this Dragon is said to be immortal. The fire feathers and regal flight are an impressive sight. It is said that the birds' cry is that of a beautiful song."
~Coral Dragon~

Breed Sea + Nature

"Coral Dragon offers what is most beautiful under water. The colorful gardens of the abyss are more magnificent than you could ever imagine. This dragon is a treasure!"
~Chameleon Dragon~

Breed Terra + Electric

"A Master of camouflage - the Chameleon dragon actually changes color, so don't be alarmed if it seems to have disappeared, just wait a sec and it'll appear again! Fun fact: this dragon sees everything..."
~Storm Dragon~

Breed Electric + Sea

"This dragon loves stormy weather more than anything! If you feel that living is getting too peaceful in your island kingdom, get the Storm Dragon to shake things up."
~Hot Metal Dragon~

Breed Flame + Electric

"The Hot Metal dragon is impressive - turn the temperature on and watch it ignite! This dragon comes from the core of earth, where its ancestors still live and breed."
~Snowflake Dragon~

Breed Ice + Terra

"This beautiful dragon is very friendly and delicate, always baring snowflakes - natures own works of art. Just keep the temperature low or it'll melt!"
~Ice Cream Dragon~

Breed Ice + Sea

"This dragon is so delicious that it's actually on the verge of extinction; greedy children everywhere tend to have a taste! Please refrain yourself and admire it from a distance."
~Mojito Dragon~

Breed Ice + Nature

"You know it's summertime when you see mojitos everywhere! Invite this refreshing dragon into your islands and I can guarantee that the party never stops..."
~Moose Dragon~

Breed Ice + Electric

"Did you know that Moose is one of the most ancient animals around today? In the beginning of times in the ancient marshes, a moose and a dragon met... It was love at first sight and the result is delightful!"
~Steampunk Dragon~

Breed Metal + Flame

"A masterpiece of classic machinery, this one actually came to life with a little help from our Dragon Master Deus. Keep it well oiled and you will have a loyal servant forever."
~Seashell Dragon~

Breed Sea + Metal

"Who doesn't love Seashells - the treasures of the sea? Offer this dragon a home and see what beautiful, shiny treasures will come out!"
~Dragonfly Dragon~

Breed Nature + Metal

"Sometimes a dragon is even closer than you think-just sitting on the rock behind you of flying by when you're laying on the grass. Despite often being mistaken for an insect, the dragonfly is all dragon."
~Gold Dragon~

Breed Metal + Electric

"Precious by nature, this Dragon is the most giving of them all. If you take good care and feed it well, it just might lay a beautiful golden egg."
~Platinum Dragon~

Breed Metal + Ice

"A Dragon of this magnitude certainly knows its worth. Platinum Dragon is generally known as the leader of the pack and isn't afraid to demonstrate it's power."
~Venom Dragon~

Breed Dark + Terra

"Rising deep from the ground, comes the impressive Venom Dragon. Potentially lethal but can also provide antidote when you most need it. Are you a risk taker?"
~Dark Fire Dragon~

Breed Flame + Dark

"From the darkest of caves rises a sombre character with eternal purple flames on its back with temperature unbearable to any other living thing. Whatever you do, don't show your fear."
~Rattlesnake Dragon~

Breed Dark + Nature

"Potentially deadly, this dragon has to be treated extra well to keep it from biting its master! When fully trained, it can be the most loyal servant."
~Penguin Dragon~

Breed Ice + Dark

"At first sight it's easy to mistake this dragon for a penguin. It's a common mistake but don't